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Camp Wheeze 2023 group photo


My child is attending Camp Wheez. Their sibling doesn’t have asthma but can they attend camp too?
Unfortunately, no. Camp Wheez is designed especially for children with asthma. We kindly ask that only children who have been diagnosed with asthma by their pediatrician apply for Camp Wheez.

Is COVID-19 vaccination required at camp this year?
Yes. All campers and volunteers must have completed the primary series and at least one booster dose. The 2023-2024 monovalent vaccine is highly recommended but not required.

The health and safety of our campers and all who attend Camp Wheez is our highest priority. As a healthcare provider taking care of patients with underlying respiratory diseases like asthma, we strongly support preventive care, including vaccinations against significant respiratory illnesses like COVID and influenza. Vaccinations protect against severe disease, hospitalizations and death and it is especially important for those with underlying respiratory illnesses like asthma. As a result, we feel strongly that our campers, counselors and anyone involved in Camp Wheez have that layer of protection which not only protects the individual but also helps minimize the chances of passing infection to others. As we know, COVID doesn't really have a season; it seems to thrive all year long. Many people have gotten COVID in the spring and summer months and vaccination now will be protective.

If you have questions about whether the COVID-19 vaccine your child received meets the requirements or if there is a medical reason that prevents your child from receiving the vaccine, please contact the Camp Director at (805) 681-1793 or

For more information about the COVID vaccine, please visit the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website.

What should campers wear to camp?

  • A camp T-shirt, provided on Monday at camp
  • Closed toe shoes that are good for play
  • Clothes that can get dirty
  • Sun protection – hats, long sleeves and sunblock are recommended

Is lunch provided?
No. Campers must bring their own lunch and water bottles Monday - Friday. No nuts please. We do provide one snack each day.

Can siblings/friends be in the same group?
Campers are divided into groups by age/grade. We cannot guarantee that siblings or friends will be in the same group. Camp is a great opportunity for kids to become more independent and meet new friends!

Can staff administer medication to my child while they’re at camp?
Our Medical Director, Dr. Myron Liebhaber, will be available to discuss any medical concerns on the first day of camp.

My child has severe allergies (or other health concerns). What will happen if they have a problem while at camp?
Dr. Myron Liebhaber and our Camp Nurse will be at camp every day and have supplies to address health problems if they arise.

What is the FeNO test? Can my child opt out of it?
FeNO is a non-invasive pulmonary function test. It involves blowing into a device that measures exhaled nitric oxide, a marker of airway inflammation. This provides the best measure of asthma control and serves as an evaluation tool. Results from this test help us to better understand the impact of asthma education on airway inflammation. Campers are measured on the first and last day of camp.

Participation is optional. Under no circumstances will opting out affect the care that your child will receive at camp. Consent forms will be sent to parents and guardians of registered campers prior to the first day of camp.