Current: Coordinated Healthcare Portal

What is Current?
Current is a secure Web portal that can be used by non-Sansum healthcare providers and organizations to access clinical information in the Sansum Clinic Electronic Health Record (EHR) that we call the Wave. Some functions such as placing referral orders are also available to some users.
What are the advantages of having Current access?
Current improves coordination of care for patients. Having access to Sansum Clinic health information ensures that non-Sansum providers are up to speed on the care their patients receive here.
Is Current secure?
Current is a secure web portal, protected with the most current encryption technology. All users who are given access to Current must first sign and agree to abide by the Sansum Clinic Non-Employee Security and Confidentiality Agreement.
Who can request access to Current?
Current access can be requested by non-Sansum healthcare organizations, physicians, and clinical staff.
How do I request access?
To request an account for a user at a site already using Current, please contact your site administrator. If you don’t know who your site administrator is, need login assistance, or if your site is not yet using Current, please contact our Help Desk at (805) 898-3333, Mon-Fri, 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM.
If I already have an account, where do I sign in?
On the Current Wave EHR page, enter your user ID and password.